Megabond Projects

September 1st, 2012 | | Tags: , , , , ,

Type: Website & Interactive Multimedia Client: Megabond In-House Project Link: Project Description: is an online E-Learning project initiated by Megabond. It uses interactive multimedia for educational purposes, specially designed for lower primary children. There are interactive lessons, fun facts of the day, games and many more fun education elements!

Kid’s Corner (Season 2)

September 1st, 2012 | | Tags: ,

Type: Children Edutainment Client: Radio Television Brunei (RTB) Duration: 15 mins x 13 episodes Project Description: This is our brand new 2nd season of Kid’s Corner where all the fun ways of learning is back again, with added more activities such as Art & Craft and Drawing. Screen Shots of Kid’s Corner Season 2

Anim & Buni

September 1st, 2012 | | Tags: , ,

Type: Children Edutainment – Animation Client: Megabond Productions In-House Project Duration: 10 mins x 13 episodes Project Description: Anim & Buni is a 13-episode Brunei local made cartoon / animation by Megabond Productions. In this animation, the main characters, Anim and Buni listen to stories and learn about its moral values. Currently, this series is […]